Member Ratings : Chathosts Can Now Rate Their Favorite Roleplayers

Hello Members of Arousr!
The latest feature on our platform has just been launched!. We have updated our ratings system so that both Chathosts and Members can now both rate each other’s experiences together.

What does this mean for Members?

This means that now our hosts can rate you based on these three factors:

How open are you to explore your kinks or vanilla tastes in your sessions?

Do you spend enough time chatting to get lost in the play of it all?

Can you elaborate in your chat about what you want/need/desire most?

The goal here is to enhance both Member and Chathost experiences. By allowing ratings to occur on both sides makes things more engaging for everyone involved. You can wear your ratings with pride because you earned them. The more you explore your sex/sexuality online with us the higher your ratings will be over time given that you fall into one of the three categories listed above. When Chathosts see that you are a highly rated member online, they will be more inclined to bring their best to your one on one experience together.

Where can you find your ratings?

You will be able to keep track of and see your member ratings right on your profile. Chathosts will also be able to see your ratings when they chat with you as an addition to your profile name.

Who knows? You may even just become one of the most popular members on Arousr simply by exploring what arouses you most. Now, what are you waiting for? Time to get chatting and see how high you can get your rating score by playing with our ladies online.