Would You Sleep with Andrew Tate? Chat Host Edenn Points Out Her Thoughts

Hello, I’m Edenn and welcome to part one of our Q and A. So, would I sleep with Andrew Tate?

No. No! There’s not enough money in the world or wishes that could be granted that would make me want a misogynist who treats actual living human people as commodities who seems hell bent on passing this flame of hatred and profiting off other people’s insecurities to come anywhere near me. No, no! Thank you. Mm-hmm.

Who is Andrew Tate & Why is He Idolized by Men?

Andrew Tate is a British internet personality and former kickboxer who has gained a significant following, particularly among young men. He is known for his outspoken views on masculinity, feminism, and mental health, as well as his self-proclaimed wealth and luxurious lifestyle. Despite his controversial opinions and behavior, many men are fans of Andrew Tate.

Hyper Masculine Image

One reason why men are fans of Andrew Tate is that he promotes a hyper-masculine image that resonates with some men. He often posts pictures of himself in the gym, flaunting his wealth, and engaging in risky behavior such as driving fast cars, being surrounded by beautiful women, and living a life of luxury. For some men, this image represents a form of freedom and rebellion against societal norms that they find appealing from their day to day, 9-5 lives.

Self Made Millionaire Persona

Another reason why men are fans of Andrew Tate is that he presents himself as a self-made millionaire who has achieved success solely through hard work and determination. He often shares advice on how to become financially successful and independent, which some men find inspiring and want to learn from him to gain the same amount of success.

Harmful Behaviour

However, Andrew Tate’s behavior is also dangerous and harmful. He promotes toxic masculinity, which encourages men to be aggressive, violent, and insensitive towards women vs complimenting their female counterparts. His comments about women and his advocacy for violence against them are not only offensive but also perpetuate harmful stereotypes about gender roles.

Views on Mental Health

Andrew Tate’s views on mental health are dangerous and harmful. He has claimed that depression is not a real illness and that people who suffer from it are weak. Such views stigmatize mental illness and discourage people from seeking help, which can have serious consequences for their well-being.
Lets not forget Andrew Tate’s involvement in legal issues, such as assault charges and allegations of domestic violence, is concerning. It sets a dangerous example for his followers and sends a message that such behavior is acceptable or even admirable.

Andrew Tate may have some qualities that appeal to some men, such as the media projected image of wealth and success, but his behavior and views are also dangerous and harmful. He is now being criticized for building a false empire.  Men should look to positive role models who promote respect, kindness, and empathy towards others, regardless of gender, rather than those who promote toxic behavior and beliefs.